The Grand Island Independent :
The City of York will be contracting with Olsson Associates for the formulation of a water system master plan.The project will cost the city $44,725 – the city already budgeted $45,000 for this to take place in this fiscal year.York Public Works Director Mitch Doht explained to the council, during their most recent meeting, that this plan “will serve as the preliminary engineering report for state and federal funding.”He said in order to access any federal or state dollars for future projects, the city’s master plan has to be updated.“We cannot jeopardize state and federal funding,” Doht said.He also noted that the last time the plan was updated, the year was 2003.“A new long-range plan is needed,” Doht said in his report to the council. “This is a critical planning document that will provide a road map for our water system for the next decade or longer.”The plan will project future water demand, use a GIS system to create fire flow analysis and verify pressures in certain areas. It will also look at future water treatment, provide an analysis for funding availability, and address a number of other topics.